Monday, 18 October 2010

The Danger of Apathy

Right now at this moment in time, I'm feeling angry. I'm not angry at my day, or individuals, but angry about the attitude towards Christianity and Jesus.

I live in Mid-Sussex. It is a beautiful part of the UK and is extremely wealthy. God has richly blessed me and my family and placed us in the heart of the South East. But there's one thing that is wrong with it. People are so comfortable that they have forgotten about true values and are sliding into an abyss of apathy.

No-one gives a monkey's about Jesus because they are too comfortable and have no desire to pursue anything new.

Please don't think I am judging people. I am apathetic about many things and I've only just started to realise that I need to change along with everyone else in order to see a difference and witnessing on the street certainly strips away that feeling of security. But trying to tell people that they need something else instead of what they already have is the hardest task I've ever taken on.

I am certainly not going to give up, I am desperate to see a breakthrough of salvation.

Perhaps one of the maddest things I've noticed recently is Christians who don't openly show that they are with others in pursuing the Kingdom. Just last month I took a random picture of a bacon roll and received more comments about that on Facebook than about the time a boy's leg grew before my eyes in a park in Burgess Hill. The perspective of God is a very blurred one. I'd love to see this change. Wouldn't you?

Last night I decided to do something new and write in my status on Facebook that I wanted to meet my non-Christian friends in the park and introduce them to God. No-one came. I know that people read what I write in my status every day, because those same people comment on all the other random things I write about. Put something to do with God in my status and people just seem to disappear.

I guess what I'm saying is this: if you see another brother or sister in Christ write something about God, get behind it. Non-Christians will read it and will think that maybe there is more to this God thing than meets the eye. What I'm also saying is pray like mad that God sets people free from this can't be bothered mindset.

I hope you are with me on this.

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