This weekend was a mixture of relaxing at home and going totally flat out at a wedding. Our weekends usually have something going on and this was no exception. Saturday was spent milling around the house, eating sweets and generally being house-hold Sloths. It's actually my favourite thing to do, but beggars can't be choosers and so Sunday was like living in a hurricane in comparison.
The wedding we attended was our friends, Rob and Claire King who tied the knot at the Grand in Brighton. What a hotel that is? You kind of take these things for granted a little but when you're there you just have to stop now and again to take it in.
The reason it was hectic is because when you have a four-year old and an eleven-year old, life becomes just that little bit more complicated. Everything takes twice the effort and twice the organisation. Luckily for us my parents live but a stone's throw from the hotel so in the evening we were able to drop them there and put them to bed so that we could party the night away. The trouble with being at a wedding on a Sunday, however, is don't forget that work is the next morning. And I did. Today was a complete washout.
It started OK, to be fare. We had a nice leisurely breakfast and I made my way into work at about 11:30 but my work colleague and I had a complete nightmare working out part of the floor we were putting in. It was worked out in the end but the best part of the day was wasted by lots of scratching of the head and sipping tea. Well, it'd be rude not to, eh?
So that was my weekend and Monday in a nutshell. Not much else to say about Australia but I'm sure I'll bore you with that again sometime in the near future.
Anyway, I'll be back soon.
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